How to make “Xaxiq” (Tzatziki) yourself

Xaxiq, also known as Salcë Kosi, is the Albanian counterpart to the Greek tzatziki. This versatile yogurt-based dip is a fundamental part of Albanian cuisine, enjoyed with various dishes or as a refreshing accompaniment to bread. Our recipe offers two versions: a stronger variant perfect for meat dishes, and a fresh variant with the addition of carrots. Whichever you choose, Xaxiq is easy to make and bursting with vibrant flavors.

Hoe zelf xaxiq (Tzaziki) maken

Making salcë kosi

What is Salcë kosi, we almost hear you thinking. Well, salcë kosi is also called xaxiq and then it immediately becomes a lot clearer. Xaxiq is the Albanian version of the Greek tzatziki.

The term ‘xaxiq’ is hardly used in Albania but is often used to make it clear to tourists that they are being served an Albanian variant of Greek tzatziki in a restaurant. In Albania this (dipping) sauce is officially known as salcë kosi, where kos means ‘yogurt’.

The difference between Tzatziki and Xaxiq

The biggest difference with tzatziki is that in the traditional Albanian variants, little or no dill or parsley is added. However, these herbs do appear in some family recipes.

For convenience, let’s use the term ‘xaxiq’ in this article.

From Tzatziki to Xaxiq: The Albanian way.

Xaxiq is one of the most used side dishes in Albanian cuisine. It is made in every family and is served in various variations with every meal.

Delicious for dipping with a piece of bread. Bread is always served with every meal in Albania and combined with the xaxiq adds some freshness to every meal. It is also a tasty sauce with roasted meat and is ideal for the barbecue.

The two most used variants of xaxiq

In Albania there are two different recipes for xaxiq: the stronger variant and the fresh variant. Each variant has its own purpose.

The stronger variant:

This variant is mainly served with meat dishes or fried potatoes. The combination of the famous Albanian qofte and the stronger version of the xaxiq is widely praised.

xaxiq (taziki) sterk
Xaxiq (Tzaziki) verfrissend

The fresh variant:

The fresh Variant is extra Refreshing due to the use of carrots in the recipe. Less or even no garlic is also added. This variant is more often used on bread, in combination with fresh tomatoes.

Both versions of the xaxiq are super easy and quick to make yourself.

The Recipe

Hoe zelf xaxiq (Tzaziki) maken

"Xaxiq" (Tzatziki) Albanese style


Xaxiq, also known as Salcë Kosi, is a versatile Albanian yogurt dip. This recipe offers two variations: a stronger version perfect for meat dishes, and a fresh variant with carrots. 

Cuisine: Albanian

Course: Side dish

Keywords: Xaxiq, Tzatziki, Albanian cuisine, Albanian recipe, Albanian Kitchen

The Stronger Variant

  • Prep Time 30 Minutes
  • Resting Time 30 Minutes
  • Total Time 60 Minutes
  • Serves 3/4 People
  • Calories 300 kcal

Ingredients For the Stronger Varriant

  • Half a cucumber
  • 200 grams of Greek yogurt
  • Three, or four cloves of garlic (to taste)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Aljeta sea salt
  • Pepper to taste
  • 4 Tablespoons Aljeta Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Optional: Fresh Dille


  1. Grate the cucumber and sprinkle with salt.
  2. Let the cucumber rest for 10/15 minutes in a sieve so that the moisture is drawn from the cucumber.
  3. In the meantime, peel the garlic and grate it into the olive oil.
  4. (if you want to use dill, chop it finely and add it to the olive oil)
  5. Drain the water from the cucumber.
  6. Take a bowl or plate and put 200 grams of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese in it.
  7. Mix the yogurt with the cucumber, olive oil, and garlic.
  8. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix with the yogurt.


 Leave the Xaxiq in the refrigerator for half an hour before serving, so that the flavors can interact better. Before serving, generously pour Aljeta extra virgin olive oil over your just-made Xaxiq.

"Xaxiq" (Tzatziki) Albanese style


The Fresh Variant

Ingredients For the Fresh Variant

  • Half a cucumber
  • One small carrot
  • 200 grams of Greek yogurt
  • One or no cloves of garlic (to taste)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Aljeta sea salt
  • Pepper to taste
  • 4 Tablespoons Aljeta Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Optional: Fresh Dille


  1. See the other Recipe Above, Bellow the additional steps.
  2. Grate the carrot
  3. add the grated carrot and mix with the yogurt.

Bonus Tip

If there's leftover Xaxiq, store it in the refrigerator. Before serving, pour an extra drizzle of Aljeta extra virgin olive oil over your Xaxiq, and it will taste as if you just made it.

Products used in this recipe



2 Responses

  1. Wat een interessant en leerzaam artikel. Ik wist dat xaxiq de Albanese versie van de Griekse tzatziki was, maar dat er twee varianten zijn was voor mij ook nieuw.

    Ook grappig is dat xaxiq in Albanië slechts voor buitenlandse gasten wordt gebruikt, terwijl men zelf van ‘salcë kosi’ met de betekenis van ‘yoghurtsaus’ spreekt.

    1. Beste Fred,

      Bedankt voor je leuke reactie. Hopelijk smaken de recepten bij jou thuis in de keuken net zo goed als in de Albanese keukens.

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